
TJNA is set to launch the Tax and Illicit Financial Flows Knowledge Hub (TIFF Hub), Africa’s knowledge hub on tax justice, on May 24, 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya. TIFF Hub is an online member-based interactive platform that offers a central repository for knowledge assets specific to taxation and Illicit financial flows across the continent with the aim of improving accessibility and awareness for strengthened advocacy efforts.  

The launch will introduce TIFF Hub as a collaborative solution to bridging gaps in knowledge management, providing visibility to sector-specific initiatives, streamlining knowledge products, and fostering coordination and partnerships for effective combat against tax injustice and illicit financial flows.   

Participants will be taken through the hub's goals, objectives, and activities and how they link to the broader tax justice work. The launch will feature a live demo of how the hub works for registered members and the general public and enrollment of participants. Further, the launch will provide an opportunity to register and onboard new members to the platform. 

TIFF Hub serves as a centralised space for knowledge access among African stakeholders in taxation and development, including researchers, policymakers, journalists, and civil society activists.  

It complements initiatives like the AU-led program on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs), going beyond resource consolidation to create a dynamic community of practice. Operating on a joint multi-stakeholder system, the TIFF Hub generates high-quality, Africa-centric content on tax and IFF issues.  

Register to join the launch online: 

For more details on the TIFF Hub, contact jkihima[@]