
Tax Justice Network Africa will participate in the 14th Annual Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) conference taking place from 15 to 19 October 2024 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

Organised under the theme ‘Africa as a Global Powerhouse: Enlightening Paths, Empowering Minds’, the meeting aligns with the African Union's focus on educating and skilling Africa for the 21st century. The conference will address Africa’s global potential through legal frameworks, economic strategy, and social reforms. 

The conference will bring together lawyers and non-lawyers, civil society, and other key stakeholders, to discuss critical issues relating to debt management in Africa, strategic litigation and advocacy, and illicit financial flows and taxation. It has been organised by PALU in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Advocates Association (EFAA). 

This conference will enhance research capacity, knowledge sharing, and exchange of best practices on tax matters on the continent. 

TJNA will be participating as follows. 

 Date: Thursday, 17 October 2024 

Side session: The Role of Lawyers in Changing International Tax Landscape 

Moderator: Mr. Francis Kairu, TJNA 

This session will feature experienced international tax experts who will examine how proposals like the BEPS project, the Inclusive Framework’s two-pillar solution, and the proposed UN Tax Convention may affect Africa’s tax systems. The discussion will also focus on unpacking the current international tax landscape, promoting African interests within it, and exploring practical approaches for African countries to navigate the evolving international tax environment. 

Date: Friday 18 October 2024 

Side session: Lessons on Economic Justice; Emerging Jurisprudence on Public Interest Litigation on Tax and Debt Issues 

This session will bring together experienced litigants and stakeholders to explore emerging jurisprudence in public interest litigation (PIL) related to economic justice in Africa. Participants will raise awareness of significant PIL cases and their key issues, discuss the challenges of pursuing economic and tax justice, and improve public debt governance through PIL. This session aims to foster peer learning among those engaged in economic justice litigation across the continent. 

For more information about the PALU Conference contact Francis Kairu, at emuendo@]taxjusticeafrica.