Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a regional network of civil society organisations. It is composed of think tanks, trade unions, feminist groups, youthled & faith-based organisations, and community-based organisations spread across African countries. The network has set an ambitious new target to grow the network to reach 100 members by the end of 2025.

To mobilise African citizens and challenge public institutions to influence and change policy to enable tax justice to prevail in Africa.

A just, prospering, self-reliant and integrated Africa sustainably harnessing its resources to enable its people to lead a dignified life.

we commit ourselves to work in solidarity with human rights and economic justice movements to realise the convergence of all justice and human rights struggles.

We make an informed decision based on mutual accountability, honesty, and commitment to deliver.

We uphold the value of trust, respect for one another, openness and truthfulness in our relationships and communications, as we walk the talk.

We accord equal rights, fair opportunities, and treat all without discrimination.

We commit ourselves to deliver our objectives through strategic partnerships and by working collaboratively with our members and allies.

Since tax justice is integral to the broader social and economic justice agenda, we commit ourselves to work in solidarity with human rights and economic justice movements to realise the convergence of all justice and human rights struggles.
TJNA runs a secretariat based in Nairobi, which coordinates its operations. The network envisions an Africa where tax justice prevails and contributes to equitable, inclusive, and sustainable development. In spearheading tax justice in Africa, it advocates for pro-poor tax policies and tax systems that curb leakages and optimise domestic resource mobilisation (DRM). Through policy influencing, it mobilises citizens and institutions to demand fair tax systems.
TJNA’s impressive work portfolio will be structured and implemented through four thematic focus areas: (1) Tax and the International Financial Architecture ; (2) Tax and Investment; (3) Tax and Natural Resources Governance ; and (4) Fair and Equitable Taxation.
TJNA also works through well developed outreach and engagement programmes: (1) International Tax Justice Academy (ITJA), (2) African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) and (3) Pan African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Tax (PAC).

Launch of the Tax Justice Network Africa at the WSF in Nairobi
Formal Registration of TJNA as an Independent legal entity
Launch of TJNA flagship Event PAC and adoption of the Nairobi Declaration on Tax and Development
Launch of Stop the Bleeding Campaign