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The African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) and Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) are set to launch the APNIFFT Ghana national caucus on June 06, 2024. The launch will provide a platform for legislators and parliamentary staff to come together, engage, and collaboratively strategise on combating illicit financial flows and promoting domestic resource mobilisation for tax justice in Ghana. 

The national caucus will strengthen the capacities of parliamentarians to effectively address and bring about interventions that combat the continent’s illicit financial flows and domestic resource mobilisation issues by advancing fair taxation policies in Ghana.  

APNIFFT is a flagship program under the coordination of TJNA with the goal of providing a platform for African legislators to foster strategic discussions, knowledge exchange, and capacity-building initiatives geared explicitly toward tackling illicit financial flows and tax injustice in Africa.   

APNIFFT seeks to empower its members to spearhead effective change within their jurisdictions by facilitating simplified advocacy-related dialogues and debates on crucial topics like tax governance, and domestic resource mobilisation. 

Its over-arching objectives are to inform influence, engage and act as an agent of change: 

  • Generate knowledge and develop evidence-based policy options to tackle IFFs and tax injustice (inform) 

  • Build a platform where civil society organizations can freely interact with MPs and promote utilisation of their research outputs (influence) 

  • Strengthen information exchange and robust policy engagements and debates on tax justice and IFFs at national and regional levels (engage) 

  • Act as a safeguard and soundboard to monitor compliance with legislative and executive branch actions on IFFs and tax justice (change) 

For further information about APNIFFT and its various initiatives, interested parties are encouraged to contact: fkairu [@]