
The annual World No Tobacco Day, observed on May 31, was established in 1987 by World Health Organisation Member States to raise global awareness of the tobacco pandemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. This yearly celebration educates the public on the harms of tobacco use, tobacco companies company practices, and what people throughout the world can do to protect their right to health and healthy living while also protecting future generations. 

TJNA, in a collaborative effort with civil society organisations and inter-governmental organisations through the African Tobacco Tax Consortium, is expanding its initiatives to curb tobacco consumption and generate revenue for African governments. This joint endeavour, known as the Tobacco Tax Advocacy in Africa (TTAA) project, is aimed at bolstering advocacy for tobacco tax policies, which are crucial for generating significant revenue, mitigating the healthcare costs associated with tobacco, and safeguarding public health. 

Other consortium members are the World Health Organization (WHO), the Economics of Excisable Products Research Unit (REEP) of the University of Cape Town and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF). 

For more information about the African Tobacco Tax Consortium please contact Chileshe Mange at cmange[ @ ]