
Members of Parliament in Burundi have established a national platform to champion legislative reforms to combat illicit financial flows (IFFs) and promote domestic resource mobilisation. This follows the launch of the African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) Burundi National Caucus, which was held in Bujumbura, Burundi.  

The caucus, which was launched with support from TJNA, brought together parliamentarians, members of the Senate, parliamentary officials, academics, and civil society organisations (CSOs) to trigger collective action from legislators in addressing illicit financial flows and tax injustices in Burundi.   

Gracing the launch of the APNIFFT Burundi chapter, Burundi’s President of the Senate, Right Honourable Emmanuel Sinzohagera expressed high expectations that the caucus will assist Burundi in combatting economic injustices. He mentioned that the Burundi Parliament remains committed to fighting illicit financial flows and tax injustices that impede economic development and erode the role of public institutions in Burundi and Africa at large, posing challenges towards sustainable development.  

He noted that the caucus will play a critical role in enhancing collaboration among lawmakers and stakeholders from various backgrounds, enabling the pooling of expertise, resources, and ideas to tackle the complex issue of illicit financial flows.   

Hon. Nancy Abisai, EAC Regional Coordinator and Member APNIFFT Executive Council, emphasised that the caucus needs to focus and address the specific needs of Burundi, especially in the fight against illicit financial flows and taxation in the country. She further urged the caucus to work with other parliamentarians within the EAC to understand regional issues such as double taxation agreements and work towards rectifying them. 

“When we talk about illicit financial flows, we need to look at the anti-money laundering protocol at EAC as a tool for fighting illicit financial flows. We must come up with very strong laws to curb illicit financial flows from Burundi and the region,” she noted. 

The outgoing acting chair for the Burundi Caucus, Hon. Apollinaire Sindayikengera, expressed that Burundi parliamentarians have been at the forefront of fighting illicit financial flows, even before the creation of APNIFFT Burundi. This commitment is what led the association of Burundian parliamentarians on illicit financial flows to seek recognition within the Burundi government. Thus, the caucus launch ushers in an era of ramped-up efforts towards tackling illicit financial flows and domestic resource mobilisation issues in the country. 

“Through this caucus, MPs will be equipped to bring about interventions that combat illicit financial flows in our country. We therefore call for support to strengthen the capacity and skills of our members to fight against illicit financial flows,”  ~ Hon. Sindayikengera. 

For further information about APNIFFT and its various initiatives, interested parties are encouraged to contact Francis Kairu at fkairu [@]